MY PILGRIMS DIARY 11th - 31st Juli 1999![]() |
July, 11 - Sunday - Arrival Day
Today I got up at 4.45am to travel for the second time in my live to
Pilgrims. I started in Bensheim at the station, my parents brought me there.
I went to Köln where I changed for Oostende and then to Dover Hoverport
(by boat, of course) and the way to Canterbury again with the train. That
was it how I had planned to do it.
July, 12 - Monday - First Day I got up at 7.30am because we had a meeting very early at 9am and before
breakfast at 8am. At the meeting Jon checked if everybody has arrived and
sent us to the test forming the groups (classes). After the test (I had
~75%) he told us about everything about Keynes College and Pilgrims, like
fire alarm, bedtimes, classes...
July, 13 - Tuesday - Second Day This morning I signed up for "swimming options" which took place in
the early morning at 7.50am.
July, 14 - Wednesday - Third Day I haven't been swimming because I did not know that this option is every
day. I slept until three minutes to breakfast, but I was in time to class
(of course!).
July, 15 - Thursday - Fourth Day I went swimming this morning again, but we had several problems: we
did not have the keys for the car, so we just walked over to Kent College,
where we asked the housekeeper for the permission to use the pool. We got
it and swam for about 10 minutes, it was much more refreshing than the
normal swimming hall (the water was much colder and without chlorine).
We returned very quickly to breakfast and ate very quickly and arrived
just in time in class.
July, 16 - Friday - Fifth Day I got up that morning at 7:30 to go swimming. I have been at the entrance
hall by 7:50, also Frank was there, but no teacher came. We waited for
15 minutes, but there was absolutely nothing like a teacher around. I decided
to take a shower instead and went to breakfast. There we met Ingrid. She
said that her alarm did not work because she sat it to the wrong time.
July, 17 - Saturday - Sixth Day Today was the big trip to London! The days before we had to sign up
for options we want to do in London like the "London Dungeons", "British
Museum", "Science Museum", "Freetime & Shopping", and last, my choice,
the "Museum of the Moving Image". In the morning, at about 8.15am, Will
and Fiona came with the megaphone to wake up everybody. They made very
much noise so that you could hardly continue sleeping.
July, 18 - Sunday - Seventh Day Today we had another big trip, to "Bluewater Shopping Centre", a very
large shopping-centre near to London. I got up at about five minutes to
nine because I set off the alarm clock yesterday and we were not waked
up like yesterday because today's trip was optional. I hurried to get some
July, 19 - Monday - Eight Day I did not know if there was a swimming option this morning so I preferred
to sleep longer (until breakfast).
July, 20 – Tuesday – Ninth Day I got up early to swim, but no teacher came. We (Frank and me) searched
for Ingrid’s room all over the campus, we woke her up, but her alarm clock
did not work, so that we decided to go swimming later, before lunch.
July, 21 – Wednesday – Tenth Day This morning Frank and me had luck because there were two teachers
who went with us to the swimming centre (Ingrid + Will). While we were
swimming, Will got some presents for Fiona in the city because it is her
birthday today.
July, 22 – Thursday – Eleventh Day I went swimming with Ingrid and Frank this morning, like nearly every
day (when the teacher gets up!). This day we were very good in time so
that we had enough time to have a nice breakfast and after that class.
July, 23 – Friday – Twelfth Day Frank and me went with Will to the swimming hall, like (nearly) every
morning. It is very refreshing and waking-up, I enjoy it every time.
July, 24 – Saturday – Thirteenth Day We had today our trip to Brighton. It is a big city, overcrowded by
tourists, at the seaside. The teachers came to wake up everybody at 9am.
I took a shower, had breakfast and met the group at the porters lodge.
Originally we wanted to meet at 9.45am, in fact we met at 10.15am. We left
with two busses for Brighton. The ride took two hours, many people slept.
July, 25 – Sunday – Fourteenth Day Sunday, the day of relaxing! I slept until 9.30 o’clock and got up.
It was too late for breakfast so I just sat down and talked to people.
July, 26 – Monday – Fifteenth Day Just another "working" day, but also a unique one like every day with
Pilgrims. We did not go swimming because they did not have the car for
any reason so I could sleep until 8.27am to go to breakfast al 8.30am.
July, 27 – Tuesday – Sixteenth Day Our teacher to accompany Frank and me to the swimming options was Will.
We did not swim long because the pool was very crowded: the person in front
of you is slower than you, the person in the back of you is faster so that
we went to the whirlpool.
July, 28 – Wednesday – Seventeenth Day We had swimming options this morning with Ingrid. We swam very quickly,
20 tracks at all, and then we had some more time to relax in the whirl-pool.
July, 29 – Thursday – Eighteenth Day This morning I slept until 8.30am because we did not have swimming options
because: Ingrid is sick and Will spent the night with his girlfriend in
London (wow!).
July, 30 – Friday – Nineteenth Day Today the last day! For the same reason like yesterday we did not have
swimming-options. Today’s class was just for relaxing. First we played
a game: one person goes out and everybody else decides about something
the person has to guess what it is, e.g. crossing the legs while answering,
answer like the neighbour would do… Then we played a game where one person
thinks about something which is either vegetable, animal or mineral. Then
we had 20 questions to ask to find out what it is. That game was very boring
because everybody was very tired of having had nearly no sleep.
July, 31 – Saturday – Departure Day They persuaded me to be at the bus at 5.30am to say "Good Bye" to those
leaving at that time.
That’s all. |